Books and Sensibility’s month long dedication to indie !
It’s hard to be in the YA book blogging world without noticing all the upcoming indie novels and novelists. So, to open myself up to more independent and self published authors, I am going Strictly Indie for the month of May. I will be focusing on reviewing, discussing and posting about indie novels and even have a few guest posts along the way.
Want to get into reading Indie YA and have no idea where to start ? Well, Jess has compiled a list of great resources within the indie YA/NA
Indie Events
New Adult Sleepover Weekend – Savannah, GA (December 6-8th 2013)
A conference put on by Romance Ink and Authors After Darkwith a NA focus.
News & Info
GalleyCat Self-Published Best Seller List
Indie Book Blogger Tours
Indie Book Bloggers*
Indie Author Blogs
* blogs I go to in order to find a majority of indie book reviews.
I’d love to keep this list growing. If you have a resources leave comment below !