I don’t know what it is but I’m always on the lookout for a deal. I wouldn’t call myself frugal but whenever I can save a few dollars or get a great product for an amazing deal I do a mental happy dance. With that in mind I decided to great a mini blog series on how I Build A Blog On A Budget. Here I’ll share the tips and tricks I use to blog like a pro with little to no budget.
* UPDATED 8/7/15 with more goodies !
Design & Graphics
Content is always key when it comes to blogging, but adding a few extra graphics can help give your blog that personal touch.
Features hundreds of gorgeous and mostly free stock art. Be sure to read the licenses to see what is and isn’t allowed!
Cost : Free (read licenses)
Looking to add some free royalty-free stock images, this is the place to look.
Cost : Free (read licenses)
I love this site! It is a modge podge of Free resources Everything from blog tutorials to printables
Cost : Free
This is the place to find hundreds of fonts. They are constantly updated and you can spend hours browsing.
Cost : Free
It’s not Photoshop or Illustrator but Inkscape can help you create cute customizable graphics, blog buttons or banners. Don’t know where to start ? you can find 100 of tutorials at http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/
Cost : Free
Pre-Made Blog Layouts
This is where I got our first blog layout from! There is so much variety and you can mix and match headers and backgrounds!
Cost: Free
Search Blogger or WordPress templates and you’ll find a ton of variety. Etsy has multiple graphic designers with tons of pricing options, so you can find exactly what you need.
Cost : $15 – $30
Personal Faves ! : 17thAvenue Designs , Vefio Themes and GlamBlogs
Clean and trendy designs. This website has a blog design for every budget. They include both WordPress and Blogger.
Cost : $15-50$
An artsy graphic design website that features some amazing freebies as well as blogger templates. It also features some premium tutorials and resources for free.
Cost : Free
You would be surprised how adding just a background to your blog can make it stand out.
Cost : Free

1/2 of the blogging duo at Books and Sensibility, I have been blogging about and reviewing books since 2011. I read any and every genre, here on the blog I mostly review Fantasy, Adult Fiction, and Young Adult with a focus on audiobooks.