- Publisher: Time Inc. Books/Oxmoor
House - Genre: Cookbook
- Release Date: April 4th
I’m not sure why it took Top Chef Season 2 finalist Sam Talbot (who should have totally been asked to leave along with Cliff. I’m just saying! ) so long to write a cookbook, but here it is and it features 100 recipes that are 100%real. The book itself is a mix of Talbot’sadvocacy for type 1 diabetics and his philosophy of eating whole and natural foods. He covers the spectrum featuring recipes that are vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, and gluten-free.The inside of this book has a simple layout with bright colors and tons of photos of Talbot in the kitchen or
hanging out at the farmer’s market, reflecting his laid back East coast lifestyle.
Talbot introduces readers to his five tips for keeping [food] real, advice on setting up a pantry and a few equipment essentials. There are even more tips on sourcing ingredients in the back of the book, which you will need because there are some very specific ingredients that might be intimidating to a rookie cooks.The recipes have tons of herbs and spices, he re-imagines comfort foods and creates magical looking salads. Because this is a book isn’t about fad dieting you won’t find calorie counts in these pages, you’ll just find real food.
*ARC provided by Netgalley

1/2 of the blogging duo at Books and Sensibility, I have been blogging about and reviewing books since 2011. I read any and every genre, here on the blog I mostly review Fantasy, Adult Fiction, and Young Adult with a focus on audiobooks.