#Black Friday Readathon !
Only Daughter by Anna Snoekstra
- Release Date: September 20th 2016
- Pages: 288
- Genre: Psychological Thriller/Grip-lit
- Publisher: Mira (Harlequin)
After going missing for 12 years the Winters’ family only daughter, Rebecca, is back. Rebecca doesn’t remember where she’s been and her memories are fleeting mostly because the girl who returned isn’t Rebecca Winters. She’s an impostor simply looking to hide out. But somebody from the shadows is on to the deception and before this impostor is found out she will discover that Rebecca’s perfect suburban life was lie.
This Aussie thriller moves between time, following the exploits of the impostor in 2014 and the uneasy life of the real teenage Rebecca Winters a decade previous. Snoekstra sets the scene of an idyllic life with a disturbing underbelly and while the novel doesn’t have the same eerie pathos of a Gillian Flynn novel, you will find yourself flipping the pages to find out how this ends.
The Wrath And The Dawn by Renee Adieh
May 12th 2015 | Pages: 388 | Genre: Historical/Fantasy | Publisher : Penguin Random house
I’m going to go ahead and reuse a .gif from my Red Queen Review
I mean we have the cold boy king Khalid, his protective cousin Jalal, the boyfriend Tariq and then his best friend Rahim.
Let me back up here. This YA novel is an adaption of the Arabian story of Scheherazade, a woman who tells the king a captivating story for 1001 nights to keep him from killing her and they eventually fall in love. You know kind of a Netflix and chill situation.
Thieving Weasels by Billy Taylor
Cam “Skip” Smith is going to graduate from a prestigious prep school. Cam Smith is going to Princeton in the Fall. . . just as long as no one finds out Cam Smith is really Philips O’Rourke, the youngest member of a thieving, scheming family. Skip thought he left his family behind when he ran away at thirteen but they are pulling him in for one last job. This job could be the “big one”, but it could also be fatal.
Feature and Follow Friday
Feature and Follow is the premium BLOG HOP of Book Bloggers. Running for over five years, the Feature and Follow’s goal is to promote the book blogging and author community to join together and support each other – even if it is just through a simple follow. Hosted by Parajunkee and AlisonCanRead