This Thanksgiving we want to give thanks to all the book bloggers that have inspired us during our blogging journey. As new book bloggers we are always looking to learn and be innovative, I don’t think we would be here today without them.
First you have to understand that when we started this blog we had no idea there was a book blogging community.
Just days after Books and Sensibility was created, Iloveradingandwriting had a contest where the first fifteen posters who responded would get buzzed on her site. No only did this help us gain interest, but we were introduced to the world of book blogging, without it we would be alone out here.
The Story Siren and Breaking The Spine
How do you get to meet hundreds of book bloggers in a matter of seconds ? The memes created by Story Siren and Breaking The Spine. A few months ago I could have only named maybe 2 new books, now I can names hundreds (okay, maybe just tens)
Katie’s Book Blog, Sash and Em, Dianne Salerni, What’s Your Story YA and Creative Reads
They were kind enough to host giveaways in which we won some amazing books we would not have thought to read on our own !
A Cupcake and A Latteand The Girl Who Reads A Lot for adding us to your blogrolls and spreading the love !
Most importantly thank you to all the readers and followers for taking time from your day to read a piece of our minds.
Happy Thanksgiving !
Books and Sensibility is participating in NaBloPoMo. What’s NaBloPoMo ? Find out here !