Book Review : Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
“Sometimes the only choice is between acceptance and madness.”
_ Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel
“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.”
― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel
I thought Clockwork Angel was excellent and as much as I didn’t want to compare it to The Mortal Instruments…I did.
But, let’s answer the banner question: Do I need to read The Mortal Instruments to understand Clockwork Angel? No. In fact, unless you just want to read them, I would skip TMI. You just can’t have the “Hey! It the thing/person/place from the thing !” moments. Don’t worry, in my opinion, it’s a fair trade.
Kat Reads Manga : A Super Basic Guide To Reading Manga
In “Kat Reads Manga” , a new feature on Books and Sensibility a total manga novice attempts to review manga.
Cover Wars : US Vs. The World Vol. 4
Inspired by I Want To Read That and Not Enough Bookshelves as well as my own love of pretty book covers, Books and Sensibility presents: Cover Wars.
Book Review : The Hunger Games Trilogy
“Destroying things is much easier than making them.”
– Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games is a complicated book series for me to review. I have to look at the trilogy for the forest and not for the trees. Upon closer inspection, the book has a lot of imperfections, but when you take it as an overall narrative tale it is probably one of the most unique young adult series in along time. This book is often mentioned along with Twilight, so I was expecting a Twilight like love triangle and plot, but that is a pretty much non-existent part of the series.
Cover Wars : US vs. The World Vol. 3
Inspired by I Want To Read That and Not Enough Bookshelves as well as my own love of pretty book covers, Books and Sensibility presents Cover Wars : US vs The World.