I’ve been working from home more and in the course of finding things to keep me company, I’ve gotten into BookTube. Like every part of the bookternet, Booktube has it’s problematic elements but it’s a diverse place with readers of every kind if you know where to look.
Noira from Noira Reads

Noria is a Nigeran BookTuber living in Lagos with a bubbly and entertaining personality that is exactly what you want in a Booktuber. Her enthusiasm is infectious and I could listen to her talk about books all day. The videos I’ve watched of hers have mostly focused on SFF and genre fiction but she seems to read across the board. If you need a laugh she has a video where she attempts to get her hyperactive cat to pick her TBR.
Erica from The Broken Spine

I discovered Erica’s channel during booktube’s town hall on race and inclusion. Watching her videos is like checking in with a friend’s reading life. She reads a lot of Black and African fiction and I’m always picking up recs I don’t see anywhere else.
Bree from In Love and Words

Bree is a romance booktuber and I like that she does a lot of Kindle Unlimited focused videos. I have a KU account and it can be hard to find books if you don’t have recs. She also does a lot of “evergreen” videos where she recs books based on a theme or author. Bree has multiple sclerosis and is always offering recs on disability romance from an #ownvoices perspective. Also, she sells stickers on Etsy.
Adri from Perpetual Pages

From book hauls to reviews Adri does just about everything on their channel with a focus on boosting marginalized voices. Their reading tastes are somewhat similar to my own and I am just in awe of how Adri’s ability to book talk. Even if they don’t like the book they can distill theme, context and story into concise digestible tidbits that make me want all the things. They are also a great source for #ownvoices reviews of Latinx, Non-binary/Trans/Pan/Aro books.
Ben from Benreadsbooks

Ben is a British reader and science fiction writer. He does in-depth reviews of science fiction and adult fiction along with videos about writing craft. I like his channel because he has an introspective and serene presentation that makes it easy to listen to while I’m working. He is also one of the few Booktubers I’ve seen do a video shouting out bloggers.
These are just a few of the creators on my YouTube subscriptions. Do you watch booktube ? Let me know some content creators you like in the comment section !